Work has begun on the demolition of a former Ponders End police station that will pave the way for a £270million pound redevelopment of the area.

The police station in High Street, Ponders End closed two years ago and will make way for new homes and new facilities such as the Ponders End library and small shops.

The work is part of an attempt by Enfield Borough Council to regenerate the area which has already seen plans to rebuild Alma Estate in South Street and the building of Oasis Hadley Academy.

Enfield Council’s cabinet member for business and regeneration Councillor Del Goddard said: “Enfield Council is working with its partners to attract investment to the borough so we can improve Enfield’s most deprived areas, reduce unemployment, boost the borough’s economy and promote local businesses to the widest possible audiences.

“We want to improve our town centres so they continue to be vibrant, successful additions to the borough and provide the jobs, services and products our residents need.

"Enfield Council is absolutely committed to building a strong economy and investing in our town centres is the right way to make the borough and its businesses more affluent and successful in the years to come.”

The programme will be supported by the Mayor’s Outer London Fund in redeveloping the North East of Enfield.