Haringey’s new mayor has declared she will “strive to represent, celebrate and champion” the borough’s communities.

Labour councillor Sue Jameson took over as mayor from Lester Buxton for 2024/25.

In her speech during the mayor-making ceremony at Tottenham Town Hall on May 20, Cllr Jameson said: “As the mayor of Haringey I strive to represent, celebrate and champion all our communities. Haringey is a wonderful place to grow up in and grow old in.”

She added she would “reach out to those in need” and use her role to break down barriers.

Cllr Jameson added: “Haringey is full of innovation, arts, creative spaces and creative communities that put the health and wellbeing of our people at its heart.”

Haringey will become the London Borough of Culture in 2027 based around a programme put together by Haringey Council, drawing upon the borough’s rebellious reputation.

“Our borough is full of history and diversity and I will seek to marry these elements as we move our ‘rebel borough’ forward,” the new mayor said.

Cllr Jameson, who represents Bruce Castle, also acknowledged the impact of diverse communities, saying Haringey had the “best food” thanks to its many cultural influences, which had helped put the borough “on the map”.

Cllr Jameson has worked as a special educational needs and disabilities assistant at Willow Primary School on the Broadwater Farm Estate as well as TreeHouse School in Muswell Hill.

During her year in office she will raise money for mental health charity Mind.

Cllr Ahmed Mahbub, who represents the White Hart Lane ward, has replaced Ajda Ovat as the new deputy mayor.

Council leader Cllr Peray Ahmet welcomed the new mayor and deputy and thanked former mayor Cllr Buxton.

Cllr Ahmet also announced that Cllr Mike Hakata had stepped down as deputy leader and that Cllr Sarah Williams, the cabinet member for housing services, private renters and planning, would step up to take his place.

The council leader said: “Thank you to Mike for everything he has done as deputy for the last couple of years and a big welcome to Cllr Williams, who is my new sidekick.”

Cllr Cawley-Harrison, the opposition Lib Dem leader, seconded the motion to make Cllr Jameson mayor and thanked the outgoing mayor. He said:“I’m very pleased to second, thanks to Cllr Buxton who I got to know as a ward colleague then as mayor. 

“He has put in so much energy into his past year as mayor. We’re very fortunate in my term, to have had two very young mayors, still a minority amongst council groups up and down the country, first Cllr Jogee, and now Cllr Buxton.”