New traffic restrictions to cut air pollution and encourage walking and cycling have been introduced around four schools.

The 'School Streets' have been put in place at Chesterfield Primary, Bowes Primary, Latymer All Saints Primary, and Prince of Wales Primary schools.

They are intended to prevent motor traffic from entering the areas outside school gates at pick-up and drop-off times.

School Streets are part of Enfield Council's Journeys and Places programme and aim to encourage more pupils to walk, cycle or scoot to school.

They also help reduce emissions near schools, improving air quality in areas affected by pollution.

Councillor Rick Jewell, cabinet member for transport and waste at Enfield Council, visited Chesterfield Primary School to see the impact of the new scheme.

Cllr Rick Jewell said: "The council is committed to introducing more School Streets across the borough to create a Greener Enfield.

"School Streets help to tackle air pollution and create safer routes to school, which is why I’m delighted we are introducing a further four in the borough.

"We will continue to plan more in areas where they are most needed.

"We always work closely with parents and schools along with nearby residents, as we progress new schemes."

The restrictions are enforced by an Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) camera operated system, which tracks unauthorised vehicles entering the zones.

Motorists who live within School Street areas can apply for exemption from these restrictions.

There are now 24 School Streets in operation across Enfield, with plans for more to be implemented soon.

As well as the four new schemes, the council has installed new cycle parking at seven schools to allow students to scoot or cycle to school more easily.

The council’s Journeys and Places team continues to work with schools, encouraging pupils, parents and staff to embrace walking, wheeling, scooting and cycling.

All these efforts are part of Enfield Council's Climate Action Plan, with the goal to be a carbon-neutral organisation by 2030, and for the borough to be carbon neutral by 2040.

For more information on Enfield’s School Streets, visit