The family of a missing man are “extremely worried” after a man been missing for over a month.

Kabir Singh’s disappearance was described as “out of character” by police, after the 24-year-old was last seen going into Trent Country Park in Enfield on August 1.

The Metropolitan Police say that it’s possible he went to meet a friend, but this has not been confirmed.

He was later reported missing on August 10.

Officers investigating Kabir's disappearance are keen to talk to anyone who saw him in the park or who met up with him on August 1.

A CCTV image has been released on the day he went missing, which shows he was wearing a a grey t-shirt with black writing across the chest, brown walking boots and a big black rucksack.

The rucksack had a hole in the top of it, which was not part of the design.

Detective Sergeant Colin Hedges, of the North Area Missing Person Unit, said officers cannot rule out the possibility that Kabir has come to harm.

He said: “Trent Country Park is a large area used by hundreds of people on a daily basis.

"I would like to speak to anyone who saw or spoke to Kabir or someone of his description.

"Kabir's disappearance is out of character and his friends and family are extremely worried about him.

"Sadly, due to the lack of activity on his mobile phone and bank accounts, we cannot rule out the possibility that Kabir has come to harm. However, we have no evidence of any third party involvement and this continues to be a missing person investigation."

Anyone who has seen Kabir, or knows of his whereabouts, is asked to call police on 101 (or 999 for recent sightings), quoting CAD reference 5719/14AUG24.