ENFIELD'S next top policeman has been named - he is Superintendent Dave Tucker.

The new boss does not have far to come as he is currently a Barnet Superintendent and was formerly its interim borough commander.

Supt Tucker spent several months at the helm of policing in Barnet while the borough commander was on sabattical.

When he took over policing in Barnet in December last year, he wanted to focus on projects that supported poor families.

At the time, he said: “We are trying to recognise the early stages of involvement in gangs and diverting people away from them."

With experience of hate crime and community cohesian gained in other parts of the country, it is hoped he will be the right person to unite Enfield's disparate communities.

He is also said to be a whizz at statistics.

During his time in Barnet he spearheaded a campaign to tackle gang crime, where gangs use children to “facilitate" drug dealing and violence.

He told the Times Series the onus was on police to ensure the public trusted officers and the criminal justice system, something even more important in the light of the investigation into suspended officers in Enfield.

Scotland Yard has confirmed that Supt Tucker is due to start work in Enfield within the next two weeks.