POST will arrive late or not at all in Enfield next Wednesday when 13,000 postal workers across London are expected to go on strike.

A 24-hour strike has been set for June 17 after 95 per cent of London postal workers voted in favour of industrial action. They have accused bosses of breaking promises over modernisation of the service, and fear job cuts.

Mole Mead, London spokesman for the Communication Workers’ Union (CWU), which has organised the strike, said: “People are just so fed up because they are trying to rubbish the system and then scrap it and the public are going to lose out.”

Dave Ward, CWU general secretary, said: "Royal Mail is blocking modernisation by refusing to negotiate change.

"There is growing unrest across the country as Royal Mail tries to impose damaging cuts and changes withour the input of union reps.

“The future of the business must be safeguarded through careful planning, not shooting from the hip."

A Royal Mail spokewoman said: "The CWU's threat to customers of damaging strike action in London is completely at odds with its repeated claim to support modernisation and to introduce new ways of working throughout the business."

The company suggests productivity in London is up to 35 per cent behind the UK's best-performing areas and around 10 per cent behind the national average.

"A strike will not modernise Royal Mail - it will simpy disrupt the service to which customers are entitled, lead to an even greater loss of business and leave Royal Mail far less able to protect full-time jobs," she said.

The strike will start from the early shift and will cover all areas of deliveries, collections and processing. The union has promised further action if the situation continues.