I refer to my letter about good governance requiring joined-up thinking (‘Talk to your councillor’, May 27).

At the last Bowes, Southgate and Southgate Green Area Forum, Bowes Ward councillors Jeff Rodin and Achilleas Georgiou rightly spoke out against the avoidable continued blighting of approximately 100 houses by Enfield Council and the Conservative councillors who have favoured future motorway proposals.

On June 6, MP David Burrowes agreed this avoidable blight should end, and passed to residents visiting his surgery a letter dated May 14 giving Mayor of London Boris Johnson’s confirmation that the A406 scheme would progress as planned, following the Transport for London board’s recent approval of the 2009/10 budget.

However, when will Enfield Council acknowledge this reality, practise joined-up thinking and town planning, and stop these approximately 100 houses, and lift the 40-year blight of the neglected and forgotten surrounding A406 area?

JOHN WALLER, Maidstone Road, New Southgate