The efforts the Save Chase Farm group have made since 2005 is well known with massive marches, of 5,000 to 10,000 people, with cross-party MPs and councillors participating.

Letters and petitions in their thousands have been delivered to the correct authorities, successfully objecting to private housing on the Chase Farm site, questioning, lobbying and informing, and it continues to take residents’ concerns to the correct authorities.

Irene Wilson and friends collected and delivered more than 30,000 petition signatures.

Large petitions were collected and delivered by the political opposition lobby of Charles Walker, MP for Broxbourne, and Nick de Bois, prospective MP for Enfield North.

There has been more than one early day motion in the House of Commons, with David Burrows, MP for Southgate, involved.

Joan Ryan, Labour MP for Enfield North, has spoken to ministers on our behalf.

Enfield Council tried to secure a judicial review, rejected finally for technical reasons, not on the substance of the arguments.

The North East London Council of Action has just held its third march of protest and rally and has picketed outside the hospital for what must be two years now in all weather conditions.

The large turnout of protesters in Enfield on Saturday shows the ongoing concerns about the proposals to downgrade of our vital services at Chase Farm Hospital.

Several groups continue campaigning in their own way.

The latest news is a petition, going straight to the PM’s website for people to sign:

IVY BEARD, Littlebrook Gardens, Cheshunt