Allotment holders say their produce is suffering after being without water for two months because of a mystery leak.

Reserves at the Green Street Allotment are quickly being used up by those who arrive early, leaving very little for the remainder of the day.

Secretary of the Green Street Allotments, Randolph Bear, said he was hoping for a reduction in rates next year. He said: "Because of the low pressure it takes a long time for the tank to fill up."

Enfield councillor Toby Simon said: "It is very disappointing for gardeners not to have enough water at the height of the growing season. I am pressing for their charges next year to be reduced."

The problems have been reported to the council's property services as an urgent case and a full investigation is being carried out.

Last week an engineer visited the allotment but it is proving difficult to solve the problem and the source of the water cannot be found.

Council spokeswoman, Suzanne Linsey, said the council was doing all it could to return the water supply to the Green Street allotments.

"The cause of the water stopping could be leakage or blockage, so contractors are currently trying to ascertain where the water enters the site," she said.

"To do this they are currently looking at cutting trenches at each end of the site to try to find the inlet.

"If this situation continues we will look at bringing water onto the site.

"Again we apologise for this inconvenience, and plot holders should be assured we are doing everything we can to resolve this issue."