AN AMAZING 4,500 women are taking part in this year's Race for Life charity run in Trent Park on Sunday.

The 5km run is a female-only event and raises money for all kinds of cancer and the Cancer Research UK charity.

Area event manager, Rosannah Dawood said: “It's been the most incredible year, we've got over 90,000 women taking part in London and 700,000 across the country.

“To have 4,500 running Enfield is great. The women who are taking part are fantastic and we hope it will be a wonderful day for them.”

Organising the Race for Lifes across London is a full time job for Ms Dawood who also organises 10km runs in the autumn.

Overall Race for Life has a target of £390,000 to reach.

Although it is too late to run, she added that there was always a need for volunteers to help out on the day to, among other things, give out medals to runners.

If you are interested contact the site office when you arrive.