A FULL breakdown of MPs expenses published last week has revealed the spending habits of all three Enfield MPs.

Andy Love lists his constituency home in Bush Hill Park as his main home and his Westminster flat as his second home.

His second home expenses for 2008 included £820.62 for drycleaning “of 13 lined curtains,” as well as their taking down and re-hanging, and £880 for 44 weeks cleaning.

He has also claimed several hundred pounds for bathroom fittings for his second home, including £332.50 for one bathroom unit, £14.50 for a shower hose and £45.00 for a towel rail.

Joan Ryan, has claimed £131.50 in 2007 for a TV licence for her second home, and £293.75 for five sessions with a Bamford Jones Partnership, a personal development consultancy specialising in coaching, leadership and adult learning. The specific activity was blanked out. She also spent £1648.92 on photography between October 2007 and June 2008.

David Burrowes MP does not have a second home, and instead receives the London supplement claiming £2,812 in 2007 -08. Under a communication allowance, he has claimed several thousand pounds for the design and maintenance of his website, which was highest in 2005 – 06 at £4187.70.

He also charged the taxpayer £1380.92 for printing a survey in 2007, when he also paid the Conservative Party £533.20 for distributing constituency letters, and later that year he spent £1690 on publicity leaflets.

The Independent has already received letters from residents asking us to investigate specific claims submitted by all three MPs, which we will be doing over the next few weeks. We also invite other residents to get in touch with any questions they would like us to put to their MPs and any claims which they would like to see explained. We will then select from these, ask the MPs for a response and publish the results.

All the MPs are also contactable via their constituency offices and say they are happy for constituents to contact them directly with any questions about specific expenses.

All three MPs have put statements on their websites in response to the expenses row.