ENFIELD residents are being warned about leaflets from companies asking for clothing donations.

Valewall Limited is distributing leaflets of a winking yellow T-shirt and asking people to donate unwanted clothes, shoes and bedding. It is also asking people to send belts, handbags and curtains β€œto help clothe the poor" in the third world.

However, the company was struck off the Companies House register two years ago because it did not comply with regulations.

Companies House said Valewall was dissolved because it did not provide information to prove its legitimacy, such as accounts or the details of a company director.

A second leaflet, which shows a bird on a sky blue background, is also going through residents' doors in Enfield asking people to give away handbags, curtains, cosmetics and perfumes.

The leaflets, distributed by Rutex Limited, which was officially incorporated as a company only last month, say that not everyone "can afford to buy new clothes, shoes and household things".

Once again, they list themselves as a limited company.

The Enfield Independent attempted to contact Rutex Limited to ask about the company, but the contact details provided were invalid.

Trading Standards said it was not aware that it was active in the area but asked people to remain vigilant.

A statement from Enfield Council said: "Although they give the impression the items are being collected for charitable purposes, some collections are organised by commercial operators who sell the donated items on for profit. This misleading impression is often reinforced by a reference to a registration number, which people may think is that of a registered charity but is, in fact, a limited company number.”

People in doubt of any charity leaflet that they have received are advised to contact the Charity Commission helpline on 0870 333 0123 to check whether the collection is for, or on behalf of, a registered charity.