Highfields Primary School has brightened up its playground with mosaics and sculptures made by pupils.

The Gaudi Garden was inspired by the work of Antoni Gaudi, a Spanish architect who was famous for pioneering colourful sculptures and buildings decorated with mosaics.

The garden is an attractive mix of brightly decorated sculptures, benches and plants, which Year 6 students created with the help of the local group Art Start.

Students have created a large mosaic structure which is 6ft in diameter and about 4ft 6in high — and people need to use their imaginations to decide what it is.

They have also covered chimney pots and toadstools with mosaics.

A bench, called Michael’s Buddy Bench, has been made into a place of sanctuary for lonely pupils, in memory of a former pupil who died. Other pupils are encouraged to make friends with anyone sitting on the bench.

Headteacher Maria Kemal said: “The garden is a great addition to our school. It is a place for children to rest, talk and find new friends.

"It is interesting and stimulating as well as being peaceful and relaxing.

"Many generations passing through this school will derive great pleasure from it.”