COMEDIAN Richard Blackwood helped 14 Enfield schools celebrate improved attendance at an awards event at Forty Hall.

Pupils took part in Enfield Council’s campaign to increase school attendance and the best attenders were invited to enter raps, posters and poems about the benefits of going to school.

They received certificates, prizes and class trophies from Councillor Glynis Vince, cabinet member for education, children’s services and youth, and Andrew Fraser, co-director for the department of education, children’s services and leisure.

More than 140 children enjoyed rap performances from students from Eldon Infants and Suffolks Schools and listened to guest speaker the comedian Richard Blackwood, who inspired the audience with his theme, No Half Measures.

A short drama was also performed by Face Front Theatre, which had been commissioned by the council to find out why some children did not attend school.

Ms Vince said: “School attendance in Enfield has been improving year on year and is almost at the 95 per cent rate.

“Most children and young people enjoy school and realise that it is not only a place for learning – but also a place for making friends and being safe.

Mr Fraser added: “we are delighted that children and young people recognise the importance of school and have made such positive contributions to the attendance campaign.

“School is not just about taking and passing examinations. We are ensuring that our schools have facilities that will help young people get the best out their time at school enjoying sports, making friendships and achieving.”