A BEE-loving couple are helping to create a buzz at breakfast for a Hertfordshire hotelier.

Ronald and Mary Hunter offered their beekeeping expertise to the managing director of the West Lodge Park Hotel in Hadley Wood after dining at his hotel.

Andrew Beale is keen on sourcing local food and drink which ensures fresh ingredients for his hotel and also costs the environment less. Now three hives have been set up in the hotel grounds.

Mr and Mrs Hunter are both members of the Enfield and District Beekeepers Association and said they were happy to help.

Mr Hunter said: "Beekeeping is a hobby for us and the grounds of the hotel provide a perfect setting for the bees.

Mr Beale added: "We hope to harvest enough honey this year to have 40 jars. It will be a real taste of Hertfordshire with the pollen and nectar collected from our own grounds and surrounding fields."

The hives have been placed in a sheltered spot with each hive holding around 50,000 bees. Only the surplus honey is removed, leaving enough for the colony to survive on through the winter.

Honey bees are also valuable pollinators and are coming increasingly under threat.