The number of teenagers killed or seriously injured in road accidents has fallen in Enfield, Transport for London figures have revealed.

The Government aimed to reduce the number of teenagers killed or seriously injured in road accidents in London by 50 per cent by 2010, but the statistics show the target has been reached three years early.

The number of teenagers killed or seriously injured in road accidents in Enfield has fallen by 60 per cent between 2004 and 2008, with the number of accidents falling from 18 in 2007 to ten in 2008.

Chris Lines, head of the Transport for London road safety unit, said: "London has seen yet another reduction in the number of teenage casualties, but the message still needs to be loud and clear - everyday a teenager is killed or seriously injured on London roads.

“This campaign is a key way of raising awareness among teenagers of the need to take care when near to or using London roads."

The teen road safety initiative is part of a long-term Transport for London road safety campaign that aims to reduce the number of young road users who are killed or seriously injured in London.