A FRAUDSTER who stole money from bank accounts he had opened with fake details has been sentenced today.

David Smith, of Broadlands Avenue, Enfield, was handed 15 months in prison at St Albans Crown Court today, after previously pleading guilty to eight counts of fraud.

The court heard how between May and October 2007, Smith opened bank accounts at HSBC and Halifax branches across the country with false details.

He was then able to withdraw large sums of money from cash points in Broxbourne, Hoddesdon and Enfield – an estimated £13,000 in all.

He was caught following an investigation by Hertfordshire Constabulary’s Economic Crime Unit.

The unit closed his account, got a warrant to search his property and found and seized fraudulent credit cards, debit cards, cheque books and bank statements.

Detective Constable Derek Hill from the unit said: “Smith attempted to deceive the banks of large amounts of money and I am pleased we have been able to stop him taking any more money to fund his lifestyle.

“Nobody should benefit from crime, and I hope this sends a strong message out that Hertfordshire Constabulary takes fraud extremely seriously and will deal robustly with offenders.”

He added: “If you know anyone who is acting fraudulently or profiting from crime then call 0845 33 00 222, or Crimestoppers, an independent charity, anonymously on 0800 555 111. Your call could earn you a cash reward.”

Officers are now conducting a financial investigation under the Proceeds of Crime Act and will try and recover some of the money Smith spent.