CHILDREN at Eversley Primary School are working towards a fashion show with a difference this week.

The children will be busy using old material and unwanted jewellery to design clothes for a fashion show featuring green themes like sustainability and recycling.

Deputy headteacher Hayley Kirkpatrick said: “We have been collecting all kinds of materials for months and will have a dazzling show next term. Children of all ages and abilities are involved.”

Staff and parents are also helping to prepare for the 'Go Green' show that takes place on November 7 at the school in Chaseville Park Road, Enfield.

Councillor Glynis Vince, cabinet member for education, children’s service and youth, said: “I am really looking forward to seeing this show and how wonderful to get so many children interested in creating such an original project. This is so impressive and everyone involved deserves every success.”

So far this year, the school has raised more than £3,000 for the charity Water Aid as part of Eversley's Eco week.

A wildlife club and recycling projects are among the other environmental projects Eversley children have been involved in.