FANS of swashbuckling feature films can enjoy a slice of live action next weekend when The Three Musketeers comes to Capel Manor.

With scenes devised by a stunt and swordfight choreographer, and some of the finest amateur acting talent in North East London, the performance is sure to be dramatic.

The spectacle comes to Enfield thanks to the Walthamstow-based group Wadham Players, who say the show has “lavish costumes, great action and spectacular sword fighting scenes which are all choreographed by professional fight arranger Dominic Kinnaird”.

Mr Kinnaird recently choreographed fight scenes for Channel 4's 1066 TV series and has worked as swordfight specialist for West End theatres.

The story has been adapted from the Alexandre Dumas tale of the young D’Artagnan who sets out to Paris with nothing but an old sword to try to become one of the King’s Musketeers, and finds himself challenged to duels with each of his soon-to-be comerades, Athos, Porthos and Aramis.

There is further intrigue and foul play as the musketeers face the threat of imprisonment from the dastardly Cardinal Richelieu.

People are invited to take a picnic along any time from 12pm on Saturday, July 18. The show begins at 3pm in the Capel Manor open air theatre. Tickets are on the door at £10 or £7 concessions or from Capel Manor box office on 08456 122 122. Parking is free.