Having just arrived home from holiday and been given a copy of your June 24 paper, the article ‘Race for life runners given parking tickets’ and a photo of myself and daughters Fleur and Julie who took part on the day, was rather misleading as it looked as though we were the culprits.

I have had so many people calling and offering to pay the fine, assuming we were the guilty three and thinking it unfair for us to have to pay the fines when we had worked hard raising funds for it.

I feel I should explain to you what I have been telling them.

We were aware weeks and weeks before the event took place that we would not be able to park anywhere near the event.

The notices were posted up everywhere in the area and the event people themselves sent out the information in their letters suggesting we used buses and underground to get there as the parking was restricted all around the area.

Enfield, in normal times, is very strict about parking on pavements and together with all the many police present and all the clear notices posted everywhere in the area, I feel the people who got caught only had themselves to blame.

I am enclosing a photo taken at the actual event. My daughter Julie was unable to take part after all due to a back injury, but my son’s partner Maria, my daughter Fleur and also my granddaughter Sian Jessica all took part with me and collectively we raised over £900, not only by sponsorship but by running a supper evening with a bring-and-buy and a raffle.

What spurred me on was that I lost both my parents to cancer and several friends since, and have at present a friend called Gill who has had several goes at fighting it and is again battling with it now.

Gill has been a member of my keep-fit class for years and after each bout has returned to classes as if nothing has happened.

She is an inspiration to other people, to never give up. I really admire her and want to prevent others suffering the way she has. So next year, we have all vowed to take part again — after all it’s only a few hours of one day of your life and the money raised could do so much for to help find a cure for this awful illness.

Trish Jones, Arlington Road, Southgate