I am amazed at the insensitivity displayed by Councillor Michael Lavender and his ticketing officers for penalising those trying to raise funds for such a crucial charity ‘Race for life runners given parking tickets’, Enfield Independent, June 24).

At a time of austerity, all councils need to look closely at their motives for being so draconian over parking, especially on a Sunday when it is generally perceived a free parking time and the councils and police should only act on those causing an obstruction or hazard.

Mr Lavender, his staff and others clearly have not experienced anyone who is suffering this horrendous illness, treatment, side-effects or associated ailments.

I call upon Enfield Council to refund these 17 fines and take a more robust look at the closure of essential services at Chase Farm Hospital, something to which it has taken a head-in-the-sand approach.

The council remember its duty of care to all the citizens dependent on this facility.

DAVE FARMER, Winford Drive, Broxbourne