ENFIELD residents are making the most of the summer weather by organising two charity barbecues this weekend.

Mustafa Ibrahim is hosting his annual barbecue on Saturday at 5pm at 13 Oak Avenue, Enfield. This year, he intends to raise £2,000-3,000 for Pro Cancer Research, a Palmers Green-based charity.

He said: "My wife always does one or two barbecues, depending on the weather every year. We will be having a raffle and there will be prizes from Chelsea Football Club, John Lewis and flights to Cyprus."

Tickets cost £28 each, which includes drinks and food.

Bush Hill park's Conservative party is also holding a barbecue this Saturday from 3pm at the Beehive pub, in Little Bury Street, Edmonton, with all proceeds going to the Nightingdale Hospice.

Mayor Eleftherios Savva will be attending, along with representatives from the hospice and councillors Adrian Croshaw and Jonas Hall.

Glenn Breslin, owner of the Beehive, has worked with various organisations in the community and is pleased the see councillors helping out.

He said: "It's good to see the councillors are actively involved in the community and are willing to get out there and do something, especially for a good cause like Nightingale Hospice. With all the gloom of a recession hit country and scandals of MP's expenses, it's a breath of fresh air to see our councillors doing so much for our community and having good news for a change."

There will be a bouncy castle for children and a live band.