CHILDREN from two Enfield special schools have built a life size 1945 Mustang aeroplane as part of an exhibition which starts tomorrow.

The Festival of Flight, which will be held in Enfield Baptist Church Centre, Cecil Road, Enfield Town, explores how West Lea and Durants special schools' pupils can achieve their aspirations and dreams. The 40 children have physical, learning and sensory disabilities.

Pauline Walker works within Enfield Council’s partnership for excellence team, which commissioned drama group Tiger Monkey to work with the children on the exhibition.

She said: "This has been a hugely successful project that has unlocked so much talent.

The children have grown in confidence and ambition through this work and with Tiger Monkey – and they now know what is possible.

“Photographic evidence and real life story modules of people who have overcome huge obstacles to achieve their dreams were used as inspiration for the children to develop further.”

Cllr Glynis Vince, cabinet member for education, children’s services and youth, said the children had shown great determination and produced powerful work.

She added: " They deserve all our praise for their positive approach to this challenge and to life. Well done.”

The exhibition will be open between 10am and 4pm tomorrow and Wednesday.