A PROPERTY developer from Enfield is appealing a prison sentence he was given in May for the alleged sexual abuse of two girls.

Donald McDonald, 65, formerly of Banting Drive, Oakwood, pleaded not guilty two charges of abuse of two girls, believed to be aged eight and seven.

He was given the maximum sentence of five years for the first case and 18 months for the second to run concurrently. In both cases the abuse is alleged to have taken place over a period of four years or less for each girl and started in the early 1990s.

McDonald, who is listed at an Edinburgh address but was formerly a property developer in Enfield, lodged appeal against his sentence and conviction, which he was handed at Edinburgh Sheriff Court by Sheriff Derrick McIntyre, at Edinburgh's High Court on June 4.

He pleaded not guilty to both charges of lewd and libidinous behaviour, and was placed on the sex offenders register for five years from April 24, the date of his conviction.