A POLICE helicopter landed in Jubilee Park over the weekend, police on horseback patrolled the boundary, and the fire and ambulance were on standby.

But this was no emergency, just a family day out.

Enfield’s emergency services showed their flashy side, demonstrating their multi-million pound helicopter and the skills of their dog unit, which has everything from spaniels to alsations specially trained to sniff out drugs, search for missing people and act as a deterrent. Mounted officers also showed some of their horsemanship skills.

Police said over a thousand people joined them, and the fire and ambulance service who enacted a road traffic reconstruction rescue, as it was also a chance to ask questions about problems in their areas.

Young people were also invited to scale a climbing wall and football teams from local schools had a tournament refereed by police officers who were qualified referees. Tottenham Hotspur Football Club also provided coaching sessions.

A raffle with prizes donated by local businesses raised £750, which will be donated to some of the schools which took part.

Sgt Ian Davey, of the Jubilee park Safer Neighbourhoods team said: “Saturday’s event was a real success and the culmination of a lot of people working together to create a free family event for local people. I am grateful to all those who took part and hope that everyone enjoyed the day.”