A GRADUATION ceremony was held this week to say goodbye to pre-school pupils moving on to primary school this September.

Sixty-five children between the ages of two and four took part in the ceremony at Little Wellingtons pre-school in Wellington Road, Bush Hill Park yesterday.

As well as parents, the ceremony was attended by special guests, including the mayor of Enfield, Eleftherios Savva, and Adrian Croshaw, councillor for Bush Hill Park ward.

The children received certificates and wore graduation hats they had made using black cardboard and yellow ribbon.

The youngest children will be returning to Little Wellingtons after the summer break, whereas others will be taking the big step to start at primary school, or a school nursery.

Stella Neophytou, nursery manager at Little Wellingtons pre-school, said: “Some of the children have been with us for three years and it was quite sad to say goodbye.”

Before saying a final farewell, Little Wellingtons will hold two more events held to mark the end of the year.

Children will sing the songs taught to them by their music teacher throughout the year at a special concert for parents, and there will also be a picnic in the park.

Little Wellingtons was established in 2000 and each year enrols around 70 children.