A WARM welcome was given to Enfield's newest children's centre at a fun-filled summer party on Friday.

More than 100 parents and children gathered in the playground of Prince of Wales Children's Centre, in Salisbury Road, as Enfield mayor Eleftherios Savva snipped the ribbon at its official opening ceremony.

The valuable community resource, which carries the motto 'empowering families' offers a 62-place private nursery and also provides advice for parents on issues such as health, education and training. It is part of a Government plan to ensure children get the best start in life.

Centre manager Wendy Bowstead said: "This is a fantastic service in a fully equipped, purpose-built centre for the Enfield Lock area.

"We offer easy access to integrated health services, family support, training and education. It will make a huge difference to children and their families."

Olga Fearon, of Enfield Island Village, said the centre's support was invaluable to young mothers who often feel isolated after giving birth.

The mother whose children, aged 21 months and 6 weeks, both attend the centre said: "It can be a lonely time for a new mother and already this centre has given me an opportunity to make new friends.

"I come to the centre during the day and the staff support me by looking after one child while I spend time with the other one. It means I'm able to bond and interact with each of them individually."

Spurs football freestyler Billy Wingrove was on hand to thrill the crowds with his fancy footwork, leaving a string of star-struck youngsters trying out gravity-defying tricks in his wake.

But the fun did not end there. A sizzling grill, mammoth strawberries served with cream and music all helped to add to the party atmosphere as children played traditional fair games including Bash the Rat, Hook the Duck and biscuit decorating.

Also present was Conservative councillor Matthew Laban, who represents Turkey Street ward, and school governor Lee Sanders.