A GROUP of anaemia sufferers have set up a support group for people with serious medical conditions.

The Support for All Health Network (SFAHN) was launched on Friday in Artzone, in Edmonton Shopping Centre, by MP Andy Love and a group of women who have sickle cell anaemia.

The condition particularly affects African and Caribbean people.

The group wants to attract anaemia sufferers from Barnet, Haringey and Enfield, and chairman Meedia Lawrence said she chose to set up the group in Edmonton because she thought there was a shortage of support in the area.

The group has been extended to people with any serious medical condition.

"Just bring yourself, your mind and your problems,” Ms Lawrence said.

“People need somewhere to go out, and we decided this should be for everyone because we realised a lot of people were out there suffering.

“People can come here and have something to drink and eat and contact with similar people. And it’s free — we don’t want people burdened with illness to have to pay as well. We want them to be able to let their hair down.”

The group plans to offer counselling sessions, help with filling in forms and information on access to treatment.

SFAHN will meet on Tuesdays from 11am to 2pm at Artzone, in Edmonton Shopping Centre, in Market Square, Edmonton.