DESPITE the wet weather, over a thousand people flocked to Chase Green Gardens for this year's New River Festival.

As children practised their ribbon twirling and stilt walking, adults wandered the stalls, which offered an range of eco-friendly information from fair-trade produce to council recycling.

Now its seventh year, the festival was originally created to celebrate the restoration of the New River. Now it aims to promote environmental sustainability, educating both children and parents.

During this year's festival, held on July 11, children were encouraged to go green by potting their own plants and decorating their own personal pots.

People were given lessons in wallet-making from juice cartons.

There was also a freecycle store, filled with items people could just take away. Everything from books, mirrors and even mp3 players where on offer to anyone who wanted them.

Hatice Abdullah, the Arts and Events Manager at Enfield Council said the day had been very successful. "It was just a great day, it was amazing that people could could learn things, do things and even take things, all for free."