A QUIRKY piece of wallpaper relating happy thoughts and feelings of members of the public is to be part of the design of the new North Middlesex Hospital.

Writer and poet John Davies, who calls himself Shedman because of his love of sheds, is inviting members of the public to arm themselves with photographs and positive memories of the hospital and pay him a visit.

Along with visual artist Sue Ridge, he will then transform these into a piece of wallpaper which will decorate the lift in the Main Atrium of the new building.

To take part, entrants can visit him at a workshop from 10am to 2pm on July 27, 29 and 30 in a shed in the grounds of the staff restaurant the Spice of Life, near the Old Nurses Home on the university grounds.

Mr Davies said: “Whether you’ve never written before or you see yourself as a budding poet or author, everyone has a story to tell. Come to my shed by the Spice of Life Restaurant and tell me your hospital story, write a poem or create a simple message.”

The project is supported by Arts & Business, Bouygues UK - the construction company involved in the £118 million PFI deal for the new hospital.

You can also email your messages to info@ourstoreys.net or follow the project on twitter@OurStoreys.

Mr Davies will also be holding free creative writing workshops at Millfield Arts Centre on Monday July 27 and Wednesday July 28th from 7-9pm.