AN AMERICAN football-mad rap group have secured their dream gig at the UK version of the Superbowl.

Relentless Crew - RC for short- will perform during half-time at the Brit Bowl tournament, at Doncaster Stadium, on September 26 and 27.

K-O (Steve Kaye), Castro (Daniel Castro) and Odin (Kyle Howard), all 24 and from Palmers Green and Southgate, have written the song Warriors of Gridiron to pay tribute to their sporting heroes and encourage others to share their love of the game.

Mr Kaye, a personal trainer from Exeter Road, Southgate, said: “We're all huge American football fans. When you watch the Superbowl you see artists performing at half-time and a lot of rap artists write about the sport, so we thought we could do that here.

“We started going to the UK games and found the standard is very good. But most people have no idea that it exists over here. We wanted to see if we could try and raise some awareness.”

Securing the Brit Bowl gig was the perfect opportunity for the group.

“We love performing and we love American football and this is both things at once. To have the players getting hyped because of our song, it's a really good feeling,” Mr Kaye added.

The trio, who won the UK Unsigned competition last year, have also performed for the London Blitz football team at Finsbury Park Stadium and are due to do so again next Sunday, August 2).

The three all went to Ashmore School, in Cecil Road, Southgate, and although Mr Castro and Mr Howard were friends, Mr Kaye said he barely said two words to the others in school.

It was only later that they started hanging out together and realised they shared a talent for rap, starting Relentless Crew in 2004.

Now they hope Warriors of Gridiron will help them to become full-time professional musicians.

Warriors of Gridiron will be available to download from online retailers in a few weeks.