SENSITIVE medical documents listing patients' personal details, medical conditions and treatment have been found on a Palmers Green street.

Names and addresses, medical history and the medicne people are taking were all detailed on three bits of torn pink index card.

It appeared to have originated from North Middlesex Hospital's heamatology department.

The woman who spotted the documents in Park Avenue, Myra Godsmark, said she was "absolutely disgusted".

"They were in the gutter, I saw them just as I was about to park my car.

They were bits of card, they reminded me of the index cards we used to have when I worked in the telecomms business," she said.

Ms Godsmark, a member of the Over 50s Forum, of New River Avenue, Palmers Green added: "I nearly fell off the street because I recognised one of the men listed, he is one of our members. It was all very personal.

"It's what I call very private and should never have been found in a gutter.

Ms Godsmark said she saw personal information about three different patients on the card.

She has since handed over the cards to the police who said they would take no further action unless the details had been stolen.

A statement from the North Middlesex University Hospital Trust said: "The Trust takes patient confidentiality very seriously.

When a limited event such as this occurs we immediately undertake a review of our processes, protocols and procedures to identify the potential source.

"Thanks to the prompt action of a member of the public we have been able to begin this process swiftly and robustly.

Based on the photographic evidence provided to us this does not appear to be part of a formal medical record and as a consequence no financial or detailed personal information is included.

"Until we receive this informal document from the police and until our review is completed it would be unhelpful to speculate around the reasons behind how this came to be where it was found."