TRENT Country Park’s popular fishing lake has been mysteriously drained and the mechanism which keeps the water in has been damaged.

An Enfield Council engineer was sent out to the lake in the Cockfosters Road park after reports reached the authority that the water had dropped substantially.

Council spokeswoman, Suzanne Linsey, said: "Our engineer inspected the gates and has noted vandalism or damage to a metal rod that allows the gates to open. We have secured them, and will now arrange a permanent repair of the rod."

As far as the authorities are aware, the water drop was not as a result of poaching but the council is keeping an eye on both the lake and the creatures it is home to.

The site underwent a substantial renovation by Trent Country Park and is now filled with carp and roach and is a popular fishing spot, as well as being used by dog walkers who send their dogs in for a swim.

One angler said the level of the water had dropped by about four feet since the beginning of July.

Dave Gibson, who raised the issue with the Environment Agency and the council, said he at first thought that children were to blame for opening the gates.

He said: “It's bad for the wildlife and the plants. The reeds are falling over already with the water level going down.

"And in the past when it’s been hot and the level has gone down I’ve seen people just walk in and steal fish.”

Ms Linsey added that the low water level would have little impact on wildlife as long as it did not continue for a long time.

She said: "There is still a lot of water in there. As we have had a lot of rain the lake should fill quickly.

"But the lake and wildlife within will be monitored until the lake is full again."