Cllr Lamprecht informs your readers that Mayor of London Boris Johnson did not recommend funding of Enfield’s £40m bid for the regeneration of the North Circular Road (‘Gremlins in A406 facts’, Opinion, July 15).

Cllr Lamprecht then attempts to give reason for Mayor Johnson’s decision.

Readers will recall Mr Johnson’s walking tour of the North Circular Road (‘Boris comes to town’, September 12, 2007), where he is quoted saying: “This is an area that is directly under the control of the Mayor of London. There has been a long-running failure to do anything about this and it is something I will address when I’m elected.”

When Mayor Johnson had the opportunity to “address” the “long-running failure” of the North Circular Road by recommending funding from the regional housing pot targeted funding stream, he chose not to do so.

In addition to this, Enfield Council has bid for £80m from the Homes and Community Agency to regenerate the North Circular Road.

Hopefully, the HCA will give approval. But, as Cllr Laban, cabinet member for housing is reported to have said (‘Accusations fly over A406’, July 8), he was not confident the entire £80m requested would be granted.

It is a lot of money from any one funding stream — hence it’s regrettable that Mayor Johnson did not recommend funding when he had the opportunity.

We can now only hope that the Labour Government-funded HCA will fund the whole £80m for the regeneration of the North Circular Road.

Councillor Achilleas Georgiou, Labour, Bowes Ward