A SCHEME providing over 100 paid work experience places for Enfield's school leavers is aiming to give young people a boost in the most competitive job market for years.

Enfield Council's new Summer Work Out programme, which begins in August, will allow youngsters to apply for four-week paid placements in a variety of roles at the council and its partner organisations, including Forty Hall and Millfield Theatre.

At the end of the placement, the council will continue to provide support through its job brokerage service.

Director of place shaping and enterprise, Sue Foster OBE, said: "You hear so much today about how young people in particular are being hit by the recession.

"In our role as community leaders it's vital that the council gives our young people every opportunity to succeed."

To apply for one of these exciting opportunities contact your Connexions Centre at 0208 366 9546 or log onto www.jobs.enfield.gov.uk.