THERE were six deaths and 79 serious injuries on Enfield’s roads last year as a result of careless or dangerous driving.

Local police stopped 70 vehicles during an operation in Enfield Town to target driving offences.

The operation focused on speeding, people not wearing seat belts, driving while using mobile phones and drink driving.

Volunteer Police Cadets also took part in the operation, asking pedestrians if they would submit to a voluntary breath test.

The test was designed to show people how they could be over the limit without really realising.

To drive the point home a car which had been involved in a serious accident was put on display.

In total three of the vehicles were seized for not having insurance.

Officers also issued five tickets for driving offences. Those drivers received a £60 fine each and three points on their licence.

Enfield Town Safer Neighbourhoods Team leader, Sergeant Paul Agland, said: “Selfish and reckless behaviour can have a catastrophic impact on innocent victims and their families. As a team we will continue to conduct operations like these to bring it to the public’s attention.”

St Agland said the operation had been planned long before pensioner Ada Hepplewhite was killed after being hit by a Costa Coffee lorry on July 20 in Church Street, Enfield Town.

But he said accidents in the area were a concern and he hoped her recent death brought the message home to people.

“At the back of the town Cecil Road there is a problem. It’s not as fast as the A10 but you do get speeding cars down there and there are many people about so the risk is bigger,” he said.