A close relative, aged 27, experienced some worrying health symptoms.

A Saturday morning GP appointment, rapid referral to outpatients for medical tests and a quick diagnosis a week later, just 17 days from start to finish, ending with an all clear from the doctor at Chase Farm Hospital.

The staff at Chase Farm were marvellous, the hospital sparklingly clean. How glad we are to have a Government that has invested in the NHS, slashed waiting times, insisted on “deep cleaning”, introduced Saturday morning surgeries and secured the future of Chase Farm after decades in which it seemed destined to close.

We welcome the introduction of neighbourhood health clinics to localise routine care and take the pressure off hospitals such as Chase Farm, enabling them to use their expertise to deal with more serious conditions, and GPs to use their expertise to provide a wider range of services to their patients. Victoria Pite, Weardale Gardens, Enfield