I refer to “No vote for more scrutiny — Tories reject plans to improve council transparency” (Enfield Independent, July 8).

How can trust and joined-up thinking be restored to Enfield Council without proper public scrutiny and transparency?

At present only a proportion of the electorate’s views are respected, ie those who vote for the Conservatives.

Labour’s Bowes Ward Councillor Achilleas Georgiou rightly stated that “not to vote was undemocratic”.

Deputy leader Mike Lavender’s statement — “The council is simply an administration. We haven’t had the opportunity to influence policy” is in itself an admission of failure by Enfield Council.

Moreover, how can the A406 40-year-plus planning blight sadly affecting thousands of residents and traders of New Southgate and Palmers Green be satisfactorily resolved without democratic voting, trust, proper scrutiny, and joined-up thinking?

When will Enfield Council learn planning and funding lessons from its history of failure and urgently remedy this 40-year-plus dereliction of duty by the authorities?

John Waller, Maidstone Road, New Southgate