A BEAUTIFUL blanket of wild flowers is planned for Enfield Town Park after a mass planting today.

The Friends of the Town Park have encouraged people to grow their own wild flowers at home from seedlings.

For the past two months gardeners young and old have been caring for the seedlings and helping them grow.

Today they are being invited back to the park to give them a permanent home, or to help plant the many extra flowers they have been growing.

The meadow is part of an ambitious plan to provide a wildlife haven for the park.

Friends' acting chairman, Malcolm Sleath, said: “It’s not going to be easy, because the soil is quite rich, but the result will be the sort of place that Charles Darwin studied when he was writing the ‘Origin of Species’.

“We hope that in future years schoolchildren will be able to visit the site and understand the fascinating struggle for survival that lies behind even the prettiest English meadow.

“Because it is so accessible, they will be able to come back more than once to observe and understand the changes over time.”

The Friends welcome everyone to the event and will be based at a tent by the blue multi-use games area between 10am and 4pm. Shelter is available in case it rains.