As I was pushing my trolley across the car park in Sainsbury's Winchmore Hill, one afternoon last weekm I saw a woman reverse her car out of a parent and child bay and head the wrong way down the one-way system.

She turned left but mis-judged the turn, nearly crashing into a parked car. She reversed again, almost crashing into a car entering the car park causing the driver to come to a sudden halt.

I had to stop walking in order for her to turn. At this point, she shouted abuse at me and then screamed at me to 'take that lool off my face'.

I have written to Sainsbury's requesting that all customers be issued with masks from now on so that any involuntary facial expressions can be covered.

In this way, customers may be protected from maniac drivers who dislike people reacting with shock when they are about to witness an accident.

I was upset at the time, but on reflection I feel sorry that the other woman was in such a rush that she was putting herself and her child at risk, as well as other customers walking through the car park, by driving so erratically and with such anger and agression.

I will continue to use the store but will endeavour to remain po-faced at all times.

Lynne Batsford
Address supplied