Police are urging women to be on their guard after a rape in Edmonton's Pymmes Park on Thursday night.

The 22-year-old was walking through the park from Sterling Way at about 9.30pm when she was grabbed around the neck from behind.

She was dragged further into the park where she was hit in the face, forced to the ground and raped.

Her attacker fled in the direction of Victoria Road and Park Road.

Passers-by came to the woman's aid after hearing her screams.

The attacker is described as around 35-years-old, 5ft 7ins tall of mediterranean appearance, with short, black hair and wearing a blue T-shirt and dark grey tracksuit bottoms.

DC Matt Washington of Enfield's Sapphire Team, investigating sex crime in the borough, said: "I would ask women in the area to be vigilant and to report anything they feel is suspicious to police.

"Keep to well lit areas and walk with friends."

If you have information or were in the area at the time of the attack and saw something suspicious, call DC Washington on 8345 4604 or contact Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.