Lorry drivers who park illegally at night in residential streets face fines of up to £100 after Enfield Council vowed to get tough with truckers who flout the law.

The Independent reported last month how heavy goods vehicles were making residents' lives a misery in Lincoln Way, Enfield, by parking in their quiet street.

Drivers waiting to enter the Haselmere Industrial Estate regularly lay up in the middle of the night, playing loud music, holding impromptu parties and disturbing residents' sleep.

Angry neighbours complained to the council that a ban which forbids vehicles that weigh more than five tonnes from parking in surrounding streets was not being enforced.

This week, the cabinet member for the environment, Cllr Terry Neville, said he has instructed parking attendants to enforce the ban vigorously'.

He said: "It is quite unnecessary to use our residential streets for overnight parking when we have a 24-hour lorry park in Crown Road, just off Southbury Road.

"I am determined that this nuisance should be stopped.

"It is quite inappropriate for these vehicles to be parked in small residential streets where they are often parked up on the kerbside causing damage to the footpath."

Lorries which are clamped under the new enforcement programme face £105 fines and will be towed to the council's pound if the vehicle is not removed in 24 hours.

Drivers are advised to call the designated lorry park, in Crown Road, on 8443 0602 to check the space, availability and cost. Other lorry parks are at Hatfield Rookery Truckstop in Welham Green and South Mimms BP Truckstop, off junction 23 of the M25.

Residents can report illegally parked vehicles by calling 8379 6406, from 9pm to 5pm, and on 8443 0602 outside of office hours.