A mobile phone giant has backed down on plans to install a controversial mast in Edmonton.

T-Mobile intended to install six antennae on top of a shop in Westerham Avenue, a densely populated residential area.

Campaigners, who feared the antennae could pose a health risk, swung into action and gathered a 200-signature petition to oppose the scheme when news broke in May.

A spokesman for the phone company said: "T-Mobile is no longer progressing the site. This is because the owners of the building have decided not to proceed.

"There is still a requirement for an installation in the area, and T-Mobile is currently investigating alternative options."

Campaign leader Philip Orphanides said: "It's not the end of the story, as the company is still looking for a new site. We may not have won the war, but we have won the battle."

Meanwhile more than 100 residents are campaigning against the installation of a T-Mobile mast at the junction of Dunholme Road, South Eastern Avenue and Chalfont Road in Edmonton.

The site for the proposed antennae is just yards away from a plot of land mobile phone company Orange unsuccessfully battled for last year.