In the wake of the London bombings, which have claimed the lives of more than 50 innocents, I believe it is imperative that we, as a nation, recognise the urgent need to drastically change British foreign policy if we are to erase the possibility of such an attack ever happening again.

It is nave simply to say the people who committed these acts of terrorism hate our values" because this is to overlook the many injustices this Government has perpetuated abroad.

To dismiss the war in Iraq as a factor as I see it an unnecessary invasion that has resulted in the violent deaths of an estimated 100,000 civilians and which is continuing to be a bloody occupation, would be to display either arrogance or ignorance.

The fact of the matter is that if we had a foreign policy that was ethical, and not based on war and domination, we would not have anything to fear.

If we wish to live free from the threat of violence then we must take a long hard look at the actions that our Government is taking, in our names, and commit ourselves to ending this brutality, first and foremost.

M Xenophontos
Enfield Stop the War member
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