Fifteen off licences in the borough want to take advantage of the new relaxed licencing laws to sell booze around the clock.

But with just days to go before Saturday's deadline to obtain a licence, an Enfield Council spokesman confirmed no pubs have lodged applications to sell alcohol 24-hours a day.

Head of licensing Ray Brewer warned residents time is running out if they wish to object to last-minute applications from pubs, clubs and restaurants.

He said: "It is critical that people write in and object to applications which can adversely affect them.

"Many people have already done so, and the licensing committee has listened to their views and restricted hours.

"However, I am concerned about some places in the borough where people may not have seen the notices and no objections have been made."

The shake-up of the outdated licensing laws initially sparked fear landlords would run dry if they failed to apply for a change of licence by Saturday's deadline.

Yesterday, the council had received 423 out of an expected 650 applications.

Details are on the council website at under L for Licensing.