The Asian bowling team beat their European counterparts during the International Test Match in Winchmore Hill.

Top names from the world of bowls went head-to-head with the best players from Brunei, Hong Kong, the Phillipines and Malaysia during the four-day tournament.

Hosting the test match was a coup for the club in Radcliffe Road and was largely due to the hard work by past President Terry Bond, who died suddenly in May.

For a small entry fee, visitors enjoyed refreshments from the clubhouse and watched the four action-packed days of bowls from Thursday to Sunday.

Committee member Bill Lorman admitted the match was going to be a "hard battle" but did not expect to fall to a 208-128 defeat overall.

Mr Lorman added: "The games were played in a wonderful spirit of good sportsmanship and many new friendships were forged during the week the teams were together. The event will live long in the memory of every club member."