In my time I have marched twice before to save one aspect or another of Chase Farm Hospital.

This time I didn't march but I stood with thousands around the perimeter of the hospital to demonstrate against plans to transfer the accident and emergency facilities to Barnet General Hospital. I was delighted to see such a magnificent turnout. Silent it may have been, but the infectious banter showed that all were in good heart - and determined.

I will leave it to the MPs for Enfield, Edmonton and Southgate who headed this community demonstration to combine in joint protest to persuade Health Minister Patricia Hewitt to cause the plans to be reworked.

When that moment comes, I will add what little weight I have, figuratively speaking, for that decisive push.

My wife Margaret's thesis was on the history of Chase Farm and I was fascinated to learn that it was originally a workhouse and then a children's home, before its present use. It has served us well in the past, may it continue to do so in the future.

Lord Ted Graham of Edmonton.