Former Enfield Southgate MP Stephen Twigg said he "feels like a fool" after he was found drunk in the street after his office Christmas party.

Mr Twigg, 38, was slapped with a £50 penalty for being drunk and incapable in Orchard Street last Monday evening.

He was arrested at around 7.20pm and marched off to Marylebone Police Station where he spent four hours sobering up.

Speaking to the Independent Mr Twigg said the experience had been unpleasant' but had taught him a valuable lesson.

"It was the office Christmas lunch which began at 1pm during which I drank far too much red wine.

"I take full responsibility for my actions. It was an experience I fully deserve.

"I have never been in a police station in my life, only when I have visited as an MP, and it was quite a shocking experience."

He added: "I feel like a fool but most people have been very understanding and encouraging.

"I have had a really busy few days at work attending public events, which forced me to confront what I did.

"I'm fine now and I have learned a lesson for the future drink less."

Mr Twigg, who is working as chairman of the new Labour think tank Progress, was elected as Enfield Southgate MP in 1997 after sensationally toppling Michael Portillo.

He lost his seat earlier this year to Conservative David Burrowes.