Football giant Tottenham Hotspur has pulled out of a meeting with planning bosses to discuss its vision to build a massive training centre on Green Belt land in Bulls Cross.

The club, which plans to create 15 football pitches, a training centre, community education facility and 120-bay car park, is gathering extra information to support its scheme following concerns from the public, Enfield Council and the London Assembly.

A club spokesman said: "Following consultation, the club has been asked to supply additional information relating to the application, particularly around design and sustainability.

"We feel without all this information, the application seemed a bit premature. We hope to have a new meeting with the planning panel early in the New Year."

Enfield Council has so far received 60 letters of objection to the proposal from residents and organisations including Enfield Preservation Society, Friends of Forty Hill Park and Crews Hill Residents' Association.

Meanwhile 130 people have emailed the council in favour of the plan.