Buster the cocker spaniel is home for Christmas thanks to the Enfield Independent.

The pedigree puppy was stolen during a burglary at the Wortley family cottage in the grounds of Edmonton Cricket Club, in Church Street last month but is now home following an appeal launched by the Independent.

A man who bought Buster for £200 contacted his rightful owners when he saw the picture of the five-month-old pup in last week's edition of the Independent.

Jessica Wortley, 12, a Year Eight pupil at Goff's School, in Cheshunt, made a heartfelt plea for the return of her family pet last week and the happy news has made the family's Christmas.

Rosemarie Wortley, Jessica's auntie, said: "We are absolutely over the moon.

"We can have a Christmas now Buster's been found.

"When Buster came through the door Jessica just burst into tears of joy.

"Buster recognised her straight away and he wagged his tail and ran towards her.

"We are keeping Buster at my home in Kent until the family feels sure that he isn't in any more danger."

Rosemarie added: "We want to say a big thank you to the Enfield Independent.

"Without the newspaper's help, Buster might have been lost to us forever."